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Bryson Lew, 1st series of “University Unboxing”


你是不是刚毕业 ? 还没找到适合你的大学? 🧐
哎 偷偷告诉你...🤫

Hi, welcome to my 1st series of “University Unboxing”, (whether I could have the 2nd series, it very much depends on you guys! )

I am 18 this year and just complete my school studies, I am indeed super curious how university life would be!

And now, you can just relax on your home sofa and let me bring you for a university walkabout through my video.

Anyone there just completed secondary school’s studies just like me?

Would you like to continue your studies at your dream university?

Pacific University of Technology & Innovation - APU

For this round of time, the university that I am ready to do “unboxing” for you is the Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU)

In this Premier Digital Tech University, professional counsellors can help you with an aptitude test, to gauge what suits you best.

Programmes offered at APU covers: Computer Science/ Technology/ Computer Games Development/ Design/ Advertising / Animation/ Business/ Marketing/ Accounting/ Finance/ Actuarial Studies/ Engineering/ Media/ International Relations/ Psychology

Apart from the variety of programme choices

You may also apply for a Scholarship and Merit Awards

For more information please click

Hopes that my “University Unboxing” series will help you guys to identify which university suits you best!

Do remember to excel always those who just completed your secondary school's studies, and keep it up!

Oh ya, which is the next university that you’d like me to unbox for you yeah?

Do drop me a message here, I will try my best to hop in there for you!

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