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International Recognition

Engineering Degrees Accredited Under the Washington Accord

Washington Accord


APU Engineering Degrees are fully accredited by the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) which is a signatory to the Washington Accord.

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APU Engineering Degrees are Accredited Professionally by the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) and are therefore recognised internationally under the Washington Accord. Recognition under the Washington Accord allows for APU engineering programmes to be recognised by countries such as Australia, Canada, China, Chinese Taipei, Costa Rica, Hong Kong China, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Pakistan, Peru, Russia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States who are all signatories of the accord. 

This allows APU graduates to be recognised in these countries for career opportunities towards achieving Professional/Chartered Engineer status or for further education progression. Furthermore, many countries which are not yet signatories to the Washington Accord also use this as a benchmark in recognising Engineering Degrees.

This accreditation ensures that APU Engineering Graduates will have the following benefits in countries who are signatories of the Washington Accord:

  • Opportunities to register as a Graduate Engineer with Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) or the relevant professional bodies in other countries who are signatories under the Washington Accord.
  • Pathways to becoming a Professional or Chartered Engineer.
  • Assurance that graduates are considered as having met international academic standards for engineering practice.

With this achievement, recognition under the Washington Accord enables APU Engineering graduates to work in any country in the world who are also a signatory to the Accord, without the need to re-qualify. The recognition is of utmost importance to the engineering education in Malaysia as graduates from accredited engineering degree programmes from Washington Accord signatory countries are considered as meeting the academic standard for practices in engineering at the international level. Please refer to here.

The above benefits are applicable in the following countries, which are signatory to the Washington Accord:

“Signatories have full rights of participation in the Accord; qualifications accredited or recognised by other signatories are recognised by each signatory as being substantially equivalent to accredited or recognised qualifications within its own jurisdiction” . Please click here.

“Organisations holding provisional status have been identified as having qualification accreditation or recognition procedures that are potentially suitable for the purposes of the Accord; those organisations are further developing those procedures with the goal of achieving signatory status in due course; qualifications accredited or recognised by organisations holding provisional status are not recognised by the signatories” 
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